Thursday 16 July 2015

Sharing The #Music #Video I'm listening to

Found this song inspiring, Music inspires don't you think? 

Enjoy this great performance, marking the intro to a Fantastic Weekend for all my Valued Readers. Enjoy. 

Be Prosperous, 
Deon Christie

Monday 13 July 2015

Tracking #Visitors and #Views in #Blogging with #WordPress

Tracking Visitors, and comparing it to Views is a great way to establish Interest on your Blog. It's the perfect indicator to what your Audience enjoy most and ultimately assist in Conversion. With reference to my personal WordPress Blog, I'm currently averaging just under Double the Views in comparison to Visitors. 

This means an inspiring activity is taking place, Visitors are Returning because they enjoy the Content. Video works great, remember that YouTube is the Third Largest traffic Platform on the Planet. Find something you think your Audience will enjoy, I shared a Video of the Minion Movie Trailer by creating a Play List in YouTube. 

It may not be my Video, or link to any of my sales pages, but is the Primary objective not Engagement? Keep your eye on the Ball! 

Unfortunately, Google Blogger only track your Visitors but you can use the same Tactic to have returning Visitors.

Be Prosperous, 
Deon Christie

Sunday 12 July 2015

Ther is no Final #Destination to #Success

With reference to Internet Marketing and making a living online, there's one crucial fact you need to consider. There is No Final Destination to making money online, but rather countless destinations on a never ending journey. There is no single Product, Method or Program that will make all the money you may need flying Solo. It's a combination of Methods, Products, Programs and tactics that will determine your level of Success. 

It's actually Impossible to fail online, because you never really fail. Your attempts result in one of only two possible outcomes, either you will Earn or you will Learn. Remember, there's no such thing as a Giant Leap to Success, unless you win the Lottery. It's rather a combination of tiny, objective steps that will result in success. 

I'm going to share with you one of my Websites that I Re-Designed yesterday, the fruit of my Saturday's labor. I also invite all my Valuable Readers to join the conversation in the Comments section at the bottom of my Home Page. 

I just love engaging audiences, it really is a lot of fun. Sometimes I enjoy engagement so much, I forget to sell anything! I add more value to gaining a Friend, than I do in gaining a Customer. 

Be Prosperous, 
Deon Christie