Sunday 24 January 2016

The Importance of Page Rank

Dear Reader, 

The leveraging of viral marketing in S.E.O and page ranking can be time consuming but extremely effective. Viral marketing is all about targeted exposure, and there are e few basic rules to remember when you're trying to rank a website and/or blog. These are two of the most widely used viral marketing methods with blogging being preferred because it's free. Just remember to always try and use at least one to two keywords you wish to rank for in both your domain name and website and/or blog title. 

Take this website for instance, the domain is bestviralmarketing(.)come and the home page name is "Proven Viral Marketing Methods and Tactics. Naturally, the site is targeting "Viral Marketing" therefore the content also contains the keywords viral marketing quite often.

Populate your home page content accordingly because the keywords you wish to rank for should appear no less than twenty eight times on your home page. When you're trying to rank several pages to a single website, then it will be wise to keep this keyword population in mind for each individual page. Don't forget to include at least one header for each page with the keywords.

When you load graphic content to your website and/or blog, always zoom the image as large as possible because it will result in better resolution when you shrink the image. But this is just a bit on the basic structure, because having a website and an email list is the only two methods that you should promote affiliate offers as an affiliate marketer. 

These common basics must apply to all your websites, blogs and even your email list landing pages because that's what makes viral marketing so fascinating. Make viral marketing your passion, and not a "job" because applying these tactics may prove to be a little frustrating because the keywords you choose may already have been taken. 

Talk soon, 
Deon Christie